
Create Dune Analytics data provider

first, learn

-[x] create static group generator with rest data provider -[x] create static group generator with rest & snapshot data provider using Union/Intersect -[] create static group generator with rest & proccess.env api key -[] repeat for Goerli -[] create group generator with daily generation -[] create group generator with process.env api key and daily generation

second, do

-[] create separate dune project -[] cater for different queries & input parameters -[] run test cases


  • how to do enormous groups and issue badgges to thousands
  • how to generate groups with .env api key if it's in my gitignore?


  public constructor() {
    this.url = '';
    this.restProvider = new RestProvider();
    this.headers = {
      'x-dune-api-key': process.env.MY_API_KEY as string,       //both work but the second is better
      'x-dune-api-key': DuneAnalyticsProvider.getAPIKey(),


static group generator with rest & snapshot

import { dataOperators } from '@group-generators/helpers/data-operators';
//data operators join queries together
import { dataProviders } from '@group-generators/helpers/data-providers';
//data providers bring data here
import { Tags, ValueType, GroupWithData, FetchedData } from 'topics/group';
//Tags  - examples:  NFT = "NFT", Mainnet = "Mainnet", Asset = "Asset", User = "User", Vote = "Vote", POAP = "POAP", ENS = "ENS", Lens = "Lens", Web3Social = "Web3Social", SybilResistance = "SybilResistance", Eth2 = "Eth2", GitcoinGrant = "GitcoinGrant", GameJutsu = "GameJutsu", Twitter = "twitter", Factory = "Factory", BadgeHolders = "BadgeHolders", CoreTeam = "CoreTeam"}
//ValueType - examples: Score = 'Score', Info = 'Info',
//designed to avoid doxing?
//GroupWithData = [address: string]: BigNumberish;
//data providers:
import {
} from 'topics/group-generator';
//GenerationContext = timestamp: number;
//GenerationFrequency =   Once = "once", Daily = "daily", Weekly = "weekly", Monthly = "monthly",
//GroupGenerator = has frequence, dependancy, generate function that takes frequency and store for generated data. Returns promise w group data array
const generator: GroupGenerator = {
  generationFrequency: GenerationFrequency.Once,
  generate: async (context: GenerationContext): Promise<GroupWithData[]> => {
    // //
    const snapshotProvider = new dataProviders.SnapshotProvider();
    // //Query all voters from old excalibur exchange
    // //
    const voters = await snapshotProvider.queryProposalVoters({
    const restProvider = new dataProviders.RestProvider();
    interface Row {
      date: string;
      nounid: number;
      winner: string;
      paid: number;
      eth_price_usd: number;
      ma_last_7_auction: number;
      ma_last_30_auction: number;
      url: string;
      cumulative: number;
    interface QueryResult {
      execution_id: string;
      query_id: number;
      state: string;
      submitted_at: string;
      expires_at: string;
      execution_started_at: string;
      execution_ended_at: string;
      result: {
        metadata: {
          column_names: string[];
          result_set_bytes: number;
          total_row_count: number;
          datapoint_count: number;
          pending_time_millis: number;
          execution_time_millis: number;
        rows: Row[];
    const dailyAuctionData = (await restProvider.fetchData({
      url: '',
      method: 'post',
    })) as unknown as QueryResult;
    const { rows } = dailyAuctionData.result;
    // Use the data in the Group Generator
    const duneData: FetchedData = {};
    for (const row of rows) {
      duneData[row.winner] = 1;
    // const myGroup = dataOperators.Union([voters, duneData]);
    const myGroup = dataOperators.Intersection(voters, duneData);
    return [
        name: 'sp-static-group-generator',
        timestamp: context.timestamp,
        data: myGroup,
        valueType: ValueType.Score,
        tags: [Tags.User, Tags.Vote],
export default generator;



Example Group Generators

const jsonListData0 = {
  'treysongz.eth': '1',
  'mariobautista.eth': '1',
  'vitalik.eth': '1',
data: {
    "0x972f37637a03e94FFBf84C1d9F5a9F31bF800DE9": "1",
    "nerdycap.eth": "1",
const githubProviderData0 = await githubProvider.getRepositoriesStargazers({
  repositories: ['matter-labs/zksync'],


What's going on here?

spolgar@Sams-MacBook-Air sismo-hub % yarn send-to-attester hydra-s1-accountbound local --send-on-chain
yarn run v1.22.19
$ node --require ts-node/register/transpile-only src/cli/cli.ts send-to-attester hydra-s1-accountbound local --send-on-chain
Sending groups on local chain
Computing merkle trees for internalCollectionId 0
Computing merkle trees for internalCollectionId 4
Computing merkle trees for internalCollectionId 8
Computing merkle trees for internalCollectionId 25
Computing merkle trees for internalCollectionId 26
Registry tree root: 0x29619e5eb7cc196df73104be426ddff816535302b03fb628da690b3dc68a396c
contains 5 accounts trees
+ New Group (local-group) for internalCollectionId 0
  GroupId: 0x0fe7b6a34bbdc1ac117638a2d859593c811c57861aafe7d6e53f303a3517ad5f (opens in a new tab)