

variables & states

  • states: public, internal, private

  • string public message;

  • uint256 internal internalVar;

  • uint8 private privateVar;

  • bytes memory dataFromUser

  • address funder

  • funders = new address[](0); | creates new funder array with 0 obj

  • immutable decimal

  • constant MY_HASH


solidity kb (opens in a new tab)

  • external, public, internal, private

  • function fund() public payable - allows user to pay

  • function convertEthToUsd(uint256 ethAmount) internal returns (uint256) - access within contract or derived

  • function doesntAllowOtherContracts() private returns (uint256) - access within contract only`

  • modifier onlyOwner

  • constructor

  • fallback() external payable

  • receive() external payable


  1. public, internal, private
  2. int can be negative. uint256,uint8 can't

simple contract


  1. modify state of blockchain with public e.g. function store(uint256 _favoriteNumber) public else use private or internal
  2. read only state of blockchain with view or pure e.g. function retreive() public view returns(uint256)
  3. define data locations with calldata & memory (in memory whilst function is running) and storage for permamnent storage.
  4. storage won't work as a function param
  5. support for maps with string => uint256 e.g. mapping(address => uint256) public addressToAmountFunded; maps an address to a number
  6. working with imported contracts requires contract address + contract ABI
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.8;
contract SimpleStorage {
    uint256 public favoriteNumber;
    People public person = People({
        favoriteNumber: 2,
        name: "Sam"
    struct People {
        uint256 favoriteNumber;
        string name;
    mapping(string => uint256) public nameToFavoriteNumber;
    People[] public people;
    function store(uint256 _favoriteNumber) public {
        favoriteNumber = _favoriteNumber;
    function retreive() public view returns(uint256){
        return favoriteNumber;
    function addPerson(string calldata _name, uint256 _favoriteNumber) public {
        People memory newPerson = People(_favoriteNumber, _name );
        nameToFavoriteNumber[_name] = _favoriteNumber;

Import + Inheritance


  1. contract is like an object, create it with a constructor Obj currentObj = new Obj()
  2. child inherits parent contract with is
  3. parent function needs to be public virtual
  4. to override, child function needs override
  5. imports contain .sol e.g. import "./Contract.sol"
contract SimpleStorage {
    function store(uint256 _favoriteNumber) public virtual{
        favoriteNumber = _favoriteNumber;
//import "./SimpleStorage.sol";
contract ExtraStorage is SimpleStorage {
        function store(uint256 _favoriteNumber) public override {
        favoriteNumber = _favoriteNumber +5;
import "./SimpleStorage.sol";
contract StorageFactory {
    //deploy an array of SimpleStorage
    SimpleStorage[] public sArr;
    function deployArrayOfSimpleStorages(){
        SimpleStorage s = new SimpleStorage()
    function sfStore(uint256 _i, uint256 _num){



  1. always multiply before divide. e.g. var1 * var2 / var3 = (var1 * var2) / var3
  2. spread unneeded params with commas e.g. if only price is needed, use ( , int256 price , , , )
  3. Eth in USD is eth price * 1e10 => use converter
  4. msg.sender msg.value
  5. modifier run before/after function depending on _ used.


function withdraw() public Owner{...}
// run withdraw before modifier
modifier checkOwner{
    require(msg.sender == owner);
// run withdraw after modifier
modifier checkOwner{
    require(msg.sender == owner);


Gas Optimization

using immutable and constant

  // address public owner;  changes into ==>
    address public immutable i_owner;
   // uint256 public MINIMUM_USD = 1 * 1e18;    changes to =>
    uint256 public constant MINIMUM_USD = 1 * 1e18;

using errors instead of logging to console

require changes to custom errors before:

    require(msg.sender == owner, "sender isn't owner");


// create error above contract declaration
 error NotOwner();
    contract MyContract {
        modifier onlyOwner {
    // require(msg.sender == i_owner, "sender isn't owner");
    // _;
    if(msg.sender != i_owner) {revert NotOwner();}